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It’s no surprise that brushing your teeth twice a day lowers plaque, keeps your gums healthy, and helps fight bad breath. But in the process of brushing, the bacteria in our mouths also get onto our toothbrushes and remain there even after we rinse. This unfortunately makes them an ideal breeding ground for various viruses and bacteria.
Luckily there are measures you can take to clean your toothbrush. Here are some toothbrush cleaning tips:
Daily Toothbrush Maintenance:
● Always rinse off any excess toothpaste (including on the handle) before storing.
● Store your toothbrush in an upright position, such as in a cup or a toothbrush holder.
● Don’t let your toothbrush touch any surfaces or other toothbrushes.
● Leave the brush open to the air to dry. Avoid storing it in containers or drawers.
Weekly In-depth Cleaning Options:
● Soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly before using again.
● Boil your toothbrush in water for approximately 3 minutes. This can be hard on your brush, but is the most effective in killing germs.
● You can throw it in your dishwasher for a good cleaning. This can be damaging to the bristles, so it is not recommended to use this option regularly.
● If you want to be extra thorough, you can use an FDA-approved UV toothbrush sanitizer.
Don’t forget to change your toothbrush every 3 months, or sooner if your bristles are showing signs of wear (i.e. frayed, missing, or bent bristles).
For further information on how to properly care for your toothbrush AND your teeth, contact our office for an appointment today!
7615 W. Montrose Ave.
Norridge, IL 60706-1045
Phone: (708) 453-0777