Tag Archives: Norridge dentist

A World Without Dentistry

Norridge Dentist

Norridge IL Dentist

It’s difficult for us to imagine a world without quality dental care, but it exists. Throughout the world, losing teeth is still seen as a natural consequence of aging. Those in developing countries have never felt the confidence that a healthy smile can bring; instead they may feel embarrassment while smiling and pain when eating.

In the United States, we have the greatest access to preventive and restorative oral health care. It is not uncommon for American seniors to have their natural teeth, thanks to modern dentistry.

This Thanksgiving, we would like to take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to offer high-quality, convenient dental care to you. It’s a privilege to care for your family’s smile.

Scare Away Tooth Decay

Dentist Norridge

Dentist in Norridge ILHalloween is just around the corner, and everyone, both kids and adults, are excited to indulge in sweet treats. Although Trick-or-Treating may be a fun activity, don’t forget to consider the impact it has on your oral health.

As you check the candy loot, remove some of the following tooth decaying culprits from the stash:

  1. Candy Corn: This bite size candy seems harmless. However, some of us grab it by the handful. Candy corn contains a high amount of sugar and can often lead to tooth decay.   If you’re not careful, you could end up eating an entire bag.
  1. Chewy Sweets: Gummy candies and taffy can be difficult for children and adults to resist, but they are a serious source of tooth decay. It often gets stuck in the crevices between teeth, making it difficult to remove.
  1. Sour Treats: Sour candies, such as Warheads, Sour Patch Kids and Sour Skittles, have high acid levels that can break down tooth enamel quickly. The good news is that saliva slowly helps to restore the natural balance of acid in the mouth. It is recommended to wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth after consuming sour candies. Otherwise, you will be brushing acid onto more tooth surfaces, increasing erosive action.
  1. Hard Candy: Any candy that stays in your mouth for an extended period of time is more harmful for your teeth than candy that is quickly consumed. Examples of these candies include lollipops, Gobstobbers and Jolly Ranchers. Hard candy lowers the pH in your mouth, creating a more acidic environment that is more conducive to enamel erosion and decay.
  1. Caramel Chocolate: Candies, such as Milky Ways and Twix, contain caramel, a gooey substance that sticks to your teeth and is hard to rinse out when you get a drink or from the saliva in your mouth. That means that more harmful bacteria and acids grow, which put your teeth at an increased risk of decay.

By encouraging good oral hygiene, Halloween can be a fun, cavity-free holiday! If you forgot to schedule your last six-month check-up, now’s a good time to get back on track and contact us at DiChristofano & DiChristofano Dental Care. We also encourage you to schedule an extra post-Halloween dental cleaning to ensure healthy teeth after eating all that candy!

Norridge Dentist | Healthy Lunch Ideas for Both Children and Adults

Dentist Norridge

Norridge DentistSeptember is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. It is also a time when our schedules become busy with school, after-school activities, work and social gatherings. When short on time it can be tempting to buy convenient lunch foods, which at times lack nutritional value. We’ve put together a list of healthy lunch and snack foods to promote oral and overall health of our community.

Apples & Pears

Firm, crunchy fruits are high in water content. This dilutes the effects of the sugar they contain and help to stimulate saliva production, making them excellent for oral health.

Water & Milk

Water and milk are far better choices than sugary juices and sports drinks, which contribute to decay. If you choose to allow sugary drinks, save them for an after school snack and encourage brushing after consumption.

Cheeses & Nuts

The calcium and phosphorus found in these foods help to re-mineralize teeth by strengthening the tooth’s enamel.

Carrots & Broccoli

Replace a bag of chips with colorful vegetables and a low-fat dip. This will encourage your children to make a habit of snacking healthy and help them to get the vital vitamins and nutrients needed for oral and overall health.

Childhood obesity and childhood caries are of the most common ailments effecting American children today. Help your children by making healthy food available every day.

We welcome both children and adults of all ages to our dental practice. Don’t forget to make brushing and flossing an important part of your child’s routine, as well as regular visits to our Norridge dental office.

An Important Reminder from Our Norridge Dentist

Norridge, IL Dentist

Dentist Norridge ILWhat’s on your checklist this month?

As school starts, we’re reminded of all of the exciting change taking place in the lives of our children. It’s a busy time, filled with obligations. Your checklist seems endless with your “to-do’s” before that monumental first day of class.

Your children are excited about who will be in their class, wondering about their new teacher and interested in extra curricular activities—it’s no surprise that your dental appointments seem to be the last thing on the list.

Did you know?

Untreated dental caries can lead to pain, weight loss, missed school days, poor appearance, decreased self-esteem and, in severe cases, even death. Dental disease is preventable, yet dental care is the most common unmet health treatment need in children.

What can you do?

We strongly advise scheduling your appointments and your children’s appointments months in advance. This allows you to prioritize care, and shows your children that their health is important—even when their lives are busy. Let’s face it; before we know it, the holidays will be upon us.

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon and wish you luck as you embark on the exciting new school year. Contact our Norridge dentist today.

Thorough Oral Exams Can Save Your Life

Dentist in Norridge, IL

Norridge DentistAt times, our patients schedule their appointments, not wanting x-rays taken or thorough oral screenings. They trust their regular dental cleanings will be adequate. However, it is important for you to know that complete oral exams, including x-rays, can help save your life.

Proper dental care is extremely important. Without quality oral health care, there can be negative effects on overall health. Visiting DiChristofano & DiChristofano Dental Care for regular check-ups, including proper x-rays and oral cancer screenings, is necessary for optimal oral health.

Our professional dental cleanings are most beneficial for plaque build up and stains that might have been missed during brushing and flossing. It is recommended by the ADA to visit a dentist at least twice per year but the doctors at DiChristofano & DiChristofano Dental Care may recommend more frequent cleanings based on your individual needs. Besides cleaning and polishing, we will offer at-home suggestions for the prevention of tartar and staining.

Typically, dental x-rays, or radiographs, are used to aid dentists in detecting tooth damage, decay and disease. However, recent discoveries have found that x-rays may be useful with assisting in the diagnosis of heart disease. Studies have shown that heart disease is linked to periodontitis, or gum disease, and x-rays can assist in identifying the presence of periodontitis. Also, those with severe periodontitis are at risk of developing atherosclerotic plaque, which can cause strokes.

Perhaps most importantly, routine oral cancer screenings are significant during oral examinations. If patients notice oral cancer symptoms inside the mouth, which include white or red patches, long lasting sores or unexplained bleeding, see a dentist right away. These symptoms are not always detectable without a thorough exam by a dentist. Our dentists are certified to help detect and diagnose oral cancer. Without screenings, patients risk developing more serious and risky health problems. Studies have shown that oral cancer is responsible for the death of one American adult every hour.

Checkups, x-rays and thorough screenings have the potential to help recognize and evaluate dental and other overall health problems that may otherwise go undetected. For more information about our comprehensive oral exams or to schedule an appointment, please contact our Norridge dentist.